Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I am an accounts clerk and an ACCA student. So, safely say, I am not a teacher. I mean, I am not a formal teacher.

But I teach. I do some tutorings during the weekends and nights. Teaching has now become my passion, since I started doing it for the last 15 months.

Actually this is not the reason I blog. The main reason is I want to expand my teaching experience, both by sharing my teaching story and probably, hopefully, I can get new students along the way. Sambil menyelam minum air, kind of saying.

You know what I believe in teaching?

You don't necessarily have to get teaching training formally. You don't have to be a graduate from any teaching school. So long as you have the passion, good teaching methods and patience, you are halfway to being a good teacher.

To me, a good teacher is the one who can't stop talking and thinking about teaching.

So here it is, me, with my first teaching entry. Maybe it is worth mentioning, that I used to loathe teaching as well as kids. But somehow, once I had started teaching, the love for these two crept in.
